
Are You Entitled to Work Disability from Your On-The-Job Injury

In a case handled by Garrow Law, the claimant is to receive a work disability award because he has not returned to his regular “at-injury” job.  The claimant did not receive work disability because the employer’s job analysis did not not accurately describe all the duties of his job at injury. Affidavits from the claimant…

Do I Need an Attorney to Help With My Social Security Disability Claim?

We get asked this question a lot. The answer is: Maybe not. Social Security provides the application and appeal forms and requests that you give them information about your disability, your work background, doctors names and addresses, and statements from people who know about your problems. About 35% of all initial applications for disability or…

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How Do I Know If I am Getting a Good Deal on my Insurance Settlement

Q: Last year I was hurt on the job and I have been unable to return to work. The insurance claims adjuster called me about settling my claim. How do I know if I am getting a good deal? A: Injured workers have the option of settling their claim for future benefits. The amount of…

Am I Eligible for Disability Benefits Based on My Husband’s Account

Q: My spouse of 33 years passed away recently. I have been disabled for many years and have not been able to work. Am I eligible for disability benefits based on my husband’s Account? A: Yes, you are. Social Security has very specific rules for payment of disabled widow or widower’s benefits. These same rules apply…


Social Security Denies Disability Benefits Despite Doctors Opinion

Q: I suffered severe injuries from a work-related accident. My Doctors have declared me totally disabled. I submitted these reports to the Social Security Administration and I was still denied disability benefits. Doesn’t Social Security have to listen to my doctors? A: Social Security operates under federal law. Workers’ compensation injuries are based on state law….

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits and Retirement

Q: I am disabled and recently began to receive Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits. Will I be entitled to yearly increases in benefits like retirees get? A: Yes. Social Security annually makes a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for all Social Security (retirement and disability) beneficiaries and for all SSI (Supplemental Security Income) recipients. In 2019 the…

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