What Happens at the Social Security Hearing?
If you decide to represent yourself at your hearing, be prepared! Read all the information provided to you by Social Security. Get to the hearing site early and ask to look at your file. Review any written statements you’ve already given Social Security and make sure they are accurate and up to date. Be ready to tell the judge about all your medical treatment and where the Judge can obtain these records, including names and addresses of your medical providers. Have a list of your medications and explain if they help or not and any side effects. The judge will ask about your impairments and limitations and why you don’t think you can work a regular job for a regular work week. Be sure you have an answer ready.
This is only a partial list and should not be relied upon as a substitute for qualified counsel. If you are represented, make sure your attorney has all this information is ready to represent you at your hearing.
Are you looking for representation? Contact Garrow Law for a case evaluation