Early Retirement and Disability Benefits

Q: I am 62 years old and unable to continue working due to multiple physical problems, including back surgery. I am eligible to apply for early retirement. If I also apply for disability, will my disability benefits be reduced because of the early retirement?


A: As you know, you can begin receiving early retirement Social Security benefits at age 62. By filing early, you will lose about 25% of your full (age 66) retirement amount. However, if you have a disability which prevents you from returning to work, regardless of your age, you can also apply for Social Security disability benefits while you are receiving your retirement benefits. If you are granted disability benefits, you will be entitled to your full Social Security retirement amount as if you had not applied for your early retirement benefits. When you apply for retirement, the Social Security representative should ask you about why you stopped working and ask you if you want to file for disability. Social Security law requires them to advise you about all benefits to which you might be entitled.

If you have questions, you can talk to your local Social Security representative. Get the help you need.
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